Spanish Club Proposal for 2013-2014 SCPS School Year
The goals of the SCPS Spanish Club represent the SCP School Beliefs and Mission which also coincide with AdvancED standards;
Why should we establish a Spanish Club at SCPS?:
What will SCPS Spanish Club do and who is it for?
The opportunities that our extracurricular SCPS Spanish Club will provide are intended to enhance the student’s understanding of the variety of cultural traditions within the Spanish speaking countries.
SCPS Spanish department will be united overall levels through LS, MS, & US teacher collaboration and mentoring along with LS, MS, & US student collaboration and mentoring. Our Spanish Club will be an example of cross curricular projects and interdisciplinary instruction by providing community connection with current events, social studies, and history of Spanish speaking cultures.
Our Spanish Club will involve SCPS parents/ family/ caregivers, and community (local universities and churches) volunteers with a variety of options for participation.
AdvancED Assurances will be supported with this program which will include fine and folk art, music, and dance for the students of our SCPS Spanish Club.
When may the SCPS Spanish Club meet?
I propose that the Spanish Club meet at least once a quarter (9-weeks) on both campuses, but more meetings may be needed if we are planning an event for chapel presentation. Depending on our schedules, we could meet during lunch time, before school or after school.
I would like to offer my services to chair this extracurricular Club for our students who are enrolled in the LS, MS, and US Spanish programs at SCPS.
Angela Lingle
SCPS LS Spanish Teacher
Major Events:
Hispanic Heritage September 15 - October 15
Navidad/ Christmas
La Semana de La Pascua/ Easter Week
Cinco de Mayo
Culture: Food Tasting, Dance, Folk Art, & Clothing
Oratorical Presentations: Speaking, Singing, Dancing
The goals of the SCPS Spanish Club represent the SCP School Beliefs and Mission which also coincide with AdvancED standards;
Why should we establish a Spanish Club at SCPS?:
- Caring relationships, discipline and mutual respect among and between parents, students, and staff enhance student character.
- Teachers, students, parents, administrators and the Christian community share the responsibility for advancing the school’s mission.
- Opportunity in public speaking and performance through chapel programs, classroom presentations, concerts...(p. 5 AdvancED)
- The school (curriculum) provides equitable and challenging learning experiences that ensure all students have sufficient opportunities to develop learning, thinking, and life skills that lead to success at the next level. (p. 16 AdvancED, Standard 3, Indicator 3.1)
- Teachers participate in collaborative learning communities to improve instruction and student learning. (p. 18 AdvancED, Standard 3, Indicator 3.5)
- The school engages families in meaningful ways in their children’s education and keeps them informed of their children’s learning progress. (p. 19 AdvancED, Standard 3, Indicator 3.8)
- Available programs, including fine arts, practical arts, and student activities (p. 32 AdvancED Assurances)
What will SCPS Spanish Club do and who is it for?
The opportunities that our extracurricular SCPS Spanish Club will provide are intended to enhance the student’s understanding of the variety of cultural traditions within the Spanish speaking countries.
SCPS Spanish department will be united overall levels through LS, MS, & US teacher collaboration and mentoring along with LS, MS, & US student collaboration and mentoring. Our Spanish Club will be an example of cross curricular projects and interdisciplinary instruction by providing community connection with current events, social studies, and history of Spanish speaking cultures.
Our Spanish Club will involve SCPS parents/ family/ caregivers, and community (local universities and churches) volunteers with a variety of options for participation.
AdvancED Assurances will be supported with this program which will include fine and folk art, music, and dance for the students of our SCPS Spanish Club.
When may the SCPS Spanish Club meet?
I propose that the Spanish Club meet at least once a quarter (9-weeks) on both campuses, but more meetings may be needed if we are planning an event for chapel presentation. Depending on our schedules, we could meet during lunch time, before school or after school.
I would like to offer my services to chair this extracurricular Club for our students who are enrolled in the LS, MS, and US Spanish programs at SCPS.
Angela Lingle
SCPS LS Spanish Teacher
Major Events:
Hispanic Heritage September 15 - October 15
Navidad/ Christmas
La Semana de La Pascua/ Easter Week
Cinco de Mayo
Culture: Food Tasting, Dance, Folk Art, & Clothing
Oratorical Presentations: Speaking, Singing, Dancing